
About me as a performer:

  • “As a performer, Katherine Rhoda is talented, knowledgeable, and engaging. She can bring an audience to tears or leave them smiling, rally them to a cause or get them to just chill out, all with her choice of songs, her remarkable voice, her tasteful instrumental accompaniments, and her persona, which at the same time can be both playful and dignified. In short, Katherine Rhoda exemplifies what folk music should be all about.”-Steve Suffet, Old Fashioned Folksinger, Folk Music Society of New York

About my new CD Joyful Confluence:

  • …such a labor of love… And worth the wait !! It is gorgeous….the most beautiful graphics, and photos. Two pockets! It even feels good in the fingers. But best of all I can hear you in person from the little piece of plastic. It hasn’t made you sound like someone else. I know the breaths you take in the song about your mother and there they are on CD. This is wonderful. I’m so glad you have used many of the instruments.”   – Muffy Winchenbach
  • “I want to tell you that I believe musically, and in other ways, Katherine, you are are a Cultural Treasure. I added the caps to indicate how very special you are… Congratulations on your new CD!”Susan Gilbert Lord
  • “It was worth waiting for!! I have played it through twice, & shall probably wear it out. I love it all! No one sings like you do, & it moves me deeply.” – Susan Hirschman
  • “I love my CD.” – Joseph Howe
  • “Wonderfully put together. Talented lady on so many different instruments!” – Dave Clapp
  • “I absolutely love your new cd and hope that you are aggressively promoting it at your gigs !!!”Tom Ghent
  • ” I was absolutely fascinated by this album. Katherine is totally committed to the advocacy of these weird and wonderful, almost totally neglected instruments, and she has just the right qualities for this task. Technique-wise, she has an assured sense of rhythm which she brings to counterpoint an acute feel for melody, while the excellent recording brilliantly captures the sonorous resonances of the instruments and on the songs gives Katharine’s expressive, well controlled singing the ideal degree of bloom to set against her own instrumental accompaniment.” – David Kidman (excerpt from a longer review for the British online music magazine Fatea)

About selections on Soundcloud from my new album Joyful Confluence:

      • “Quality, through and through! I love the illustration and your passion/mission. And the music sounds great. (And I have to admit that I don’t often like sound recordings of zither-toys.) Captivating!”Bruce Markow
      •  “I’m your latest fan! Your music really touches something inside me. Kinda irish feel to this one [Lighthouse Hill], made me think of “down in the willow garden”. Just wow!”  – Thomas Bråthen
      • “Beautiful song, Katherine!” [Gone Beyond Gone] – Jerry Rockwell


About my first, self-titled, album:

      • “Full of effort and feeling, conviction and devotion and lots of joy! Recommended.”  – Don St. Clair, Heartsong Review
      • “A totally delightful album that easily ranks right up there with any national release!”  – Lucky Clark, Disc Chat


Thanks so very much, folks!